I Love Facebook

I love Facebook, but sometimes even a good thing can be too much of a good thing.

I’ve written before about how Facebook is a drug and negatively impacted my life. But I don’t think Facebook is a bad website in general. Not only is it a way for me to communicate with my friends and acquaintances overseas, but it’s revolutionized the way we interact in daily life. #memes

I would be very interested in visiting China. From what I hear, they don’t allow sites like Facebook and other Western ideas to pervade their country. It would be quite refreshing to see what that world would look like.

I feel like every person with a Facebook comes to that point where they need to take a break or want to delete their Facebook. There’s usually a post about their discontentment, reason for leaving, and wishing the best to those they left behind. Soon follows a barrage of comments either pleading for them to stay or disdain for the user believing it’s just a ruse for attention.

“They’ll be back.”

Lately, Facebook has become unhealthy for me.


I’m sure we are all quite familiar with this feeling. I’ve noticed lately that whenever I become lonely or crave companionship, I take to the keyboard and post funny memes and stories.

I love making people laugh through whatever means necessary. I always feel bad when I see someone in the grocery store or traffic or in the elevator at work and they just look like they haven’t laughed in years. God doesn’t want us to live one day without joy.

I know everyday we may not fall into a fit of giggles or get to do things that are exciting like going on a vacation or seeing a new movie, but joy is something much more everlasting than a temporary euphoric feeling.

I’ve decided to take a break from Facebook.

Already today I’ve looked at my phone multiple times to almost automatically log into Facebook. Now when I do it, I evaluate the emotions I’m feeling that lead me to this. What is it that I’m looking for?

Companionship. Adventure. New.

But why would I believe I should find that online?

Instead though I discover Facebook muddles my mind and befuddles my emotions. Just scrolling through my feed I feel so many emotions, that it cannot be healthy for my hormones. It ranges from, “Awww, what a cute new baby!” to “STOP KILLING BLACK PEOPLE!” to “Turtles are such majestic creatures.”

It’s time to clear the mind. It’s time to open my heart and mind to God. Let him fill the void of my emptiness instead of trying to fill it myself with things that won’t satisfy (even though those Will Ferrell memes are pretty great.)

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”

-Isaiah 43:19 NLT

About Heidi

Prepare yourself for the candid writings of a truth-seeker and my own unique brand of humor in any given situation. I don't beat around the bush...unless there are snakes... Some of these posts are rants. Some are memories. But mostly, they're just my experiences.

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